The green coffee courses cover a range of topics and skills relevant to the assessment, trade, and handling of green coffee. These courses provide knowledge on various aspects such as botany, coffee farming, processing, grading, storage, transport, markets, certifications, and contracts.
Building upon the knowledge acquired in the Green Coffee Foundation course, the Green Coffee Intermediate course prepares learners for more advanced roles within the green coffee industry. It provides a deeper understanding of topics such as botany, agronomy, seasonality, processing, resting, shipment, storage, decaffeination, markets, certifications, transactions, and quality differentiation. Learners also gain knowledge on grading, defects, and positive attributes pertaining to green coffee contracts. The course includes an online exam to test intermediate-level knowledge and a practical exam to assess the learner’s ability to grade coffee by size, identify physical defects, visually differentiate samples based on process, species, and variety, detect sensory defects, and perform basic sample analysis procedures.